Monday, January 13, 2014

60 Watt Incandescent Bulbs

Tonight I bought sixteen of these fossils on clearance at $1.00 per four.

Friday, September 6, 2013


I called my congressperson's local office yesterday to say I was glad she wasn't ready to bomb Syria and I wanted her to stay that way.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

I was lucky to be home when Laclede started digging holes in front of my house

I asked them to find my curb box when they had to dig near where it should be.  They found it a foot below the surface (not good if your house is on fire), but had to replace the hard copper service with plastic since they had it exposed (hard copper has not been a problem, but as long as the hole was already dug it's a policy to replace it).  I asked if the new service could be outside instead of in the basement and they said the new CEO wanted meters moved outside when practical.  The combination of pipe and fittings to make the gas meter fit below the porch floor in the tiny corner next to the driveway is a work of art.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Intermission at the St. Louis Shakespeare Festival.

Friday, March 15, 2013

After the Line We Got Food

Hangin' w/ my besties Mary, Sarah, & Olivia in line for St. Cecilia fish fry.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

C/2011 L4 (Pan-STARRS)

I saw this comet about 7:55 CST. It was fuzzy, but I saw its tail. Thanks for the reminder, Bad Astronomy. Even in Webster Groves, Missouri, with trees, city lights, and the fading glow of the set sun, it was bright enough to see while looking directly at it (with binoculars). The sky started clearing just after sunset and a wicked wind from the West blew the last of the clouds away. Good seeing.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Meteoric Occasion! You're Invited!

Transcript by Theodore B. Reinhart, P.E. 2013-03-07
[probably aired 2013-02-09 12:24 PM PST]

Deb Feyerick, CNN
... our science guy Bill Nye, and you know, talk about something else that's falling from the sky, uh, and that is an asteroid.  Uh, what, what's coming our way? Is this an effect of, of, perhaps, global warming, or is this just some meteoric occasion?
Bill Nye, Planetary Society
No. No. Except it's all science and it is ... the word meteorology and the word meteor come from the same root, so, uh ... next Friday, the 15th of February, an asteroid, 2012 DA14, which was discovered with a grant provided from the Planetary Society, my current day job, I'm the CEO of the Planetary Society. This asteroid is about the same size as the, as the one that made the crater in Meteor Crater, Arizona, as the one that created what's called the Tunguska Event in Siberia in 1908. If such a meteor were to hit Atlanta or New York City or Boston, that would be it for those municipalities. The thing would be, about 2000 square kilometers, 1200 square miles, something like that. Destroyed. Flattened. Ruined. This one's going to miss us by about, by about ...
Deb Feyerick, CNN
But that's not going to happen. Let, let's make sure our viewers don't get nervous, uh, the meteor's sort of going up above the planet Earth. Right?
Bill Nye, Planetary Society
Yeah. Well you should get nervous, but not about this one. Yeah. Yeah, get nervous, but not about this one. This one will miss us by about 15 minutes. Fifteen minutes difference, and that's it.